Friday, September 5, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Whew, what a busy month! I did get all of my starter parties done for Partylite - though I was submitting my last 2 parties on Sunday at 2:30 pm - but I got them in! I am really enjoying it, I love the product, and I love sharing it with everyone.

Labor Day weekend was so busy for us too. Saturday some friends got together for a memorial wine tour for Kellie. It was a really hard day for a lot of us, all just wishing that she could be with us. After that it was off to watch the Mizzou football game. I can't believe that it's football season already ... but judging from my recent Fantasy Football entries, it is definitely that time again. Most importantly, high school football has started up again, which means lots more entertainment on Friday nights for those of us from the small country towns.

Sunday for my birthday Kevin got a group of us together and we all went to the Melting Pot. It was wonderful to spend a relaxing evening with friends. And the food wasn't half bad either. Definitely one of my favorite restaurants.

Monday we had our weekly bbq at Mom & Dad's, always great food, great friends, and a great time. No wonder we do this every week.

Now I am preparing for my Septemeber Partylite parties, desperately trying to get 6 of them booked quickly so I can get reminder cards out for them.

Most importantly we have been getting ready for our big crop tomorrow. 12 full hours of uninterrupted scrap time - I can't wait! I'll let you all know how much I get done.

I do have some great new swaps up on IASST, perfect for all the upcoming holiday seasons, and even one to get rid of all your leftovers. It is so hard to pick the perfect subjects and papers for swaps, there are just so many to chose from and way too many of them are too beautiful. I'm always taking requests for new swaps - so keep them coming!

All for now!