Friday, September 5, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Whew, what a busy month! I did get all of my starter parties done for Partylite - though I was submitting my last 2 parties on Sunday at 2:30 pm - but I got them in! I am really enjoying it, I love the product, and I love sharing it with everyone.

Labor Day weekend was so busy for us too. Saturday some friends got together for a memorial wine tour for Kellie. It was a really hard day for a lot of us, all just wishing that she could be with us. After that it was off to watch the Mizzou football game. I can't believe that it's football season already ... but judging from my recent Fantasy Football entries, it is definitely that time again. Most importantly, high school football has started up again, which means lots more entertainment on Friday nights for those of us from the small country towns.

Sunday for my birthday Kevin got a group of us together and we all went to the Melting Pot. It was wonderful to spend a relaxing evening with friends. And the food wasn't half bad either. Definitely one of my favorite restaurants.

Monday we had our weekly bbq at Mom & Dad's, always great food, great friends, and a great time. No wonder we do this every week.

Now I am preparing for my Septemeber Partylite parties, desperately trying to get 6 of them booked quickly so I can get reminder cards out for them.

Most importantly we have been getting ready for our big crop tomorrow. 12 full hours of uninterrupted scrap time - I can't wait! I'll let you all know how much I get done.

I do have some great new swaps up on IASST, perfect for all the upcoming holiday seasons, and even one to get rid of all your leftovers. It is so hard to pick the perfect subjects and papers for swaps, there are just so many to chose from and way too many of them are too beautiful. I'm always taking requests for new swaps - so keep them coming!

All for now!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Results Are In

I did not make the Design Team for The Shaker Box. I guess my style just didn't match their kit style. Oh well, at least I got some very important pages completed.

So on to the next venture in my life ... I have decided to become a Party Lite Consultant. So anyone that is interested in hosting a party - call me, I would love to consult for you - plus all of the hostess gifts are amazing! At mom's party she ended up getting close to $700 worth of hostess credit! Let me help you get these great products for yourself.

Tonight I am teaching a class on Tear Bears at the Scrapbook Knook. I just love showing new techniques to fellow scrappers, and the layout is super cute if I do say so myself :)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Scrap for A Cure

Attention Ladies - this is a Scrap for A Cure Call for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Saturday, September 6, 2008
10:00 am - 10:00 pm

New Melle Sprots & Recreation Center
(Formerly Community Club)
4700 Hwy Z, New Melle
8 miles south of Hwy 70

Vendors to include:
Clowe to My Heart
Tastefully Simple
I Remember When
That's a Scrap
Scrapbook Knook & More

Classes, Demos, 50/50's, Raffles & Games

How Much:
$40 which includes Lunch & Dinner
Half day available for $25 10:00 am - 4:00 pm or 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Reservations Required

For Reservations and Questions call
Alice Bird 636-828-4461 (let her know I sent you & we can try to be sat close to each other)
or email me at

Doors open at 10:00 am

What a great chance to get together and get some swaps done or even some scrapbooking! I'd love to see you there!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Yard Sales

Is there really anything better than a yard sale? Well I have found the BEST kind for me - scrapbooking yardsale! My local store Scrapbook Knook is having a scrapbooking yardsale. I took in a bunch of my leftover stuff on Monday and I've already sold $30.00 worth of stuff! I am so excited about all the new I'll be able to get with all of my store credit.

I won't mention that I've spent about the same amount buying other people's stuff off of the yardsale, but one man's junk is another man's treasure, that's how I'm looking at it.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Where did lsdopey come from?

ls - that's L, not I. ls is my initials

dopey - from Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs. When our youth group went to Disney World we all picked our character name - I'm pretty silly so I got Dopey.

That's my board name in a nutshell.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Summer CHA 2008

OH BOY. I should so go back to scrapping and not surfing. I may actually have to get a job to pay for all of these great new paper lines that are coming out. I would list my favorites, but I'm afraid I'd run out of space! One is just better than the next.

I did pick out a few that I'm hoping to host swaps with - I'd love to pick them all, but I think other hostesswes would get pretty upset with me:
: Color Me Pink from 3 Bugs
: Pop Fashion from Pink Paislee
: Dream Dining Room from Heidi Swapp
: Glitzmas from SEI
: Poppy from SEI (only a few papers from this collection) - this one I'll post soon since it's already released.
: Haunted from Cosmo Cricket - not Halloween Themed
: Playful Petals from Daisy Bucket

The rest, I'll probably just order for my paper collection.

If you aren't a member of IASST and would like to know what it's all about - visit:
We have a great time, and lots of great swaps, if I do say so myself.

I have also found a great new project that I want to teach a class on at Scrapbook Knook. It's a Christmas Countdown that is done on a Cookie Sheet. The samples I've seen are so cute. I think it would be a great gift.

I took the Birthday Bling class at Archiver's tonight. Cute cards. I wouldn't say we learned a lot of new techniques or anything, but we had a good time - and it gave us a reason to go scrapbook shopping. FYI for any of you with acrylic nails - be very careful with them and your heat gun - I melted one of mine tonight holding my paper. I learned my lesson.

For anyone that hasn't had their reminder lately - back up your data! A great money-saving tip so you don't have to have your hard drive read in a clean room. No one reminds you until it's too late. So, here's your reminder.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Scrapped Out

I have spent all weekend trying to clean off my workspace, and complete challenges from the shaker box crop. I am about scrapped out. I can't believe it but I think I am almost out of creative ideas lol. I really need to work on some swaps, but I don't think now is the time for sure, no one would want what I were to come up with.

Last night I actually had a dream about the perfect layout. Wouldn't you know it, now I can't hardly remember a thing about it. So much for perfection.

Got a few swap boxes in yesterday, I will have to get those checked in. One was from Melody - yeah! I always love her boxes, her work is just amazing and I often strive to be as good as her.

Mom is making homemade applesauce today. I can't wait. It won't be quite like grandma's - darn cooks without recipes, but we have got it pretty close.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Here's Me

My Name is Liana. I am 28 years old and I live in mid-Missouri with my husband. We got married in November 2006, and I still haven't scrapped my wedding. We have no children, but we do have a dog Bailey a 3 year old Bassett Hound. Blogging is very new to me, so I hope everyone will bear with me as I get the hang of it.

I started scrapbooking in 1997 after my family took a trip to Disney World. What an album, I would love to re-do it, but it is a nice reminder of where I came from. I started after that working with a lot of Creative Memories products which was a major supplier of my scrapbooking supplies for many years. I have recently been introduced to the wide wide world of embellishments. What a change from stickers! My mom & I are a scrapbook team. I am not sure either of us could complete a project without the other's help or opinions.

I am currently a hostess on It's A Scrapbook Swap Thing, where I have met so many great people and scrappers. I started hostessing in January, and I have lost count of how many swaps I've posted.

Fast Facts about me:
I am an only child.
I am retired from owning a bridal shop for 9 years.
I make a goal to scrap something every day.
I live in a town of 600 people - and yes, I know most of them.
My favorite colors are Red, Purple and Black.
My favorite food is pasta.
My favorite restaurant is The Melting Pot.
My favorite beverage is Sweet Tea.

That's Me.